Sunday, June 27, 2010


So i'm a bit obsessed with my nails and I've have decided to share my pictures of my current styles with you! To start, here is a picture of my nails (almost) naturally. I used a base coat called gold hard by Avon.

I tend to take pictures of my left hand, cause the work i do on that hand tends to turn out better cause i'm right handed. Plus, I hold the camera with my right hand!

Today, I've tried my hand at water marbleing for the first time. It creates unigue swirls in the nail polish colours. I think the reults make the process well worth it! Don't attempt this if you a) don't have nail polish remover and q-tips on hand, and b) you don't like making a mess. The China Glaze website has a good video and instructions on how to do this. The video shows you how to do it with an artificial nail... if you are doing this on real nails, it's going to be a lot more work. i recommend going to YouTube and searching for videos on water marbling and you'll get a better idea of what you're getting into.

I used 3 colours to swirl today, all from the Finger Paints brand. I'm not sure if you can buy these in NL or not, I havn't found them here anyway. I got these at Sally Beauty Supply in Ottawa when I was on vacation. You can also order stuff online. The colours I used are called Pas-Tel Me More, Up & Coming Artist, and Hue Are You. They are all pink shades going from light to dark. Take a look at the results!